About MDA

Myanmar Development Aid e.V. (MDA) is a non-profit-making charitable association based in Hamburg. Founded in 2008 it pursues the goal to support children in need in Myanmar – independently of politics or religious matters.
Together with our partners in Myanmar, we have built two orphanages in Thanlyin, south-east of Yangon, the economic center of the country. They bear a telling name: Myitar Yaung Chi – Ray of love. House Elisabeth gives home to currently 82 boys aged between 7 to 17 years and House Teresa to 59 girls aged between 6 and 16 years.
At MDA we are all volunteering. Administration is lean but efficient to ensure that all donations are being used 100% for the children.

The board

Our group consists of members, all of whom have been conducting humanitarian work in Myanmar for many years.

Gerhard Ruether
MDA President
Capt. Jerzy Wilk
MDA Vice-President
Andreas Schantz
MDA Treasurer
Jason Kelly
Member of the Board

Support us

As a sponsor, godparent,
with donations in kind or cash or training positions


Myanmar Development Aid e.V. (MDA) is a non-profit-making charitable association based in Hamburg. Founded in 2008 it pursues the goal to support children in need in Myanmar – independently of politics or religious matters.